If You Forgot Your Password

Please send us an email at [email protected], indicating that you would like to reset the password.
Make sure that you email us using the email address for your Numflix account. If not, please include the email address for your account in the message.

How to Allow Push Notification

In order to receive notifications for new messages and voicemails, you need to allow iOS push notification for the app. If you are not receiving notifications for new messages and voicemails, then please check the push notifications setting as below.

  1. Open the Settings app from the home screen.
  2. Tap on the "Notification Center" menu.
  3. Find "Numflix" from the list and tap on it.
  4. Turn on the notification settings.

Terms of Service

Below are our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Terms of Use
Privacy Policy

Feedback and Other Supports

Please send us email at [email protected]. Thank you.